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Health Science: Advanced

Nurse-practitioner. Midwife. Speech-language pathologist. Dentist. Veterinarian. These are just a few of the many careers graduates of Adv. Health Science are pursuing. For students interested in a career in the growing medical field, Advanced Health Science offers numerous opportunities to prepare and, most importantly, explore!

The was a new addition for the 2017-2018 school year. The program is housed at the Blue Springs Freshman Center, soon to be the Blue Springs Career & Innovation Center. Advanced Health Science I offers high school juniors an introduction to the medical field, including human anatomy and earning their CPR certification. Advanced Health Science II includes clinical rotations for seniors within TMC Lakewood, including exposure to Geriatrics, Pediatrics, and Physical Therapy. Students can earn their Certified Nursing Assistant along with college credit from the University of Central Missouri and Metropolitan Community College. Over 90% of our Health Science students continue on to college! 

Want to see more? Check out Health Science at Lakewood, as well as our other community-focused programs, on YouTube!

Clinical Rotations

Students in our Adv. Health Science program will complete 100 hours of clinicals in the hospital's geriatic care unit. From assisting patients to working alongside doctors and nurses, this experience will not only prepare students to test for their Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) license, but also prepare them for additional training, a college degree and a career in the medical field.

Because the program offers two years of instruction, students will have a three to four-month internship their senior year where they can work using their CNA, intern or job shadow in specialty areas of healthcare. Previous shadowing experiences have included speech-language pathology, pharmaceuticals, dentistry and ER.


Entry into the Advanced program is competitive. Students with an interest in science, anatomy, physiology and other health courses, as well as attendance above 95% and a GPA of 3.25 or higher have a competitive advantage. 

**For students enrolled in band or other morning classes:

The Advanced schedule requires juniors to be enrolled in the afternoon program and seniors in the morning program. While juniors can still participate in morning classes like marching band, they would have to take alternative classes their senior year. If a student prefers to stay enrolled in band or their other morning classes, we encourage them to apply to the Health Science Accelerated program. This senior-year program includes the same CNA, CPR certification and college credit opportunities as the Advanced program.